Old Tool Number | New Tool Number | Description
A.2.0070 | | Rear axle support
A.2.0195 | 1.820.012.000 | Base for cylinder head support
A.2.0226 | 1.820.016.000 | Yoke for cylinder head support
A.2.0234 | | Spacer for locking of intermediate flange (to be used with A.2.0242)
A.2.0242 | | Support of dial gauge to read pinion spacer thickness (to be used with A.2.0234)
A.2.0243 | | Tool for locking pinion
A.2.0251 | | Tool for compressing and retaining spring
A.2.0274 | | Adapter of sheave for checking pinion bearing pre-load
A.2.0278 | | Valve cups stopper
A.2.0300 | | Tool for locking mainshaft (to be used with A.3.0300)
A.2.0378 | | Tool for locking the flywheel
A.3.0103/6 | 1.821.001.000 | Yoke to remove and refit the valves
A.3.0156 | | Puller of upper pin from stub axle
A.3.0156 | | Track rod ball joint puller
A.3.0157 | | Puller of wheel hub support lower joint pin
A.3.0287 | | Adjustable span puller for differential carrier bearing cones
A.3.0291 | | Puller of bush shim and oil seal from the mainshaft and gearshift rod
A.3.0292 | | Driver of differential bearing cups
A.3.0293 | | Driver of bearing and phonic wheel retainer onto differential spindle
A.3.0294 | | Driver of oil seal onto gear shift rod (with assembled unit)
A.3.0295 | | Plate for withdrawl of differential spindle
A.3.0296 | | Puller / driver of rear pinion bearing cup and puller of pinion shaft and mainshaft
A.3.0297 | | Puller / driver of fron pinion bearing cup (for use with A.3.0296)
A.3.0298 | | Puller of speedometer pinion and ring nut from shaft
A.3.0299 | | Puller of differential bearing outer races
A.3.0301 | | Driver of pinion
A.3.0302 | | Puller / driver of drive flange bearing
A.3.0302 | | Puller / driver of cup of front hub bearings
A.3.0303 | | Guide for fitting striking rod balls of 3rd, 4th and rev. striking rods (for use with A.3.0309)"
A.3.0304 | | Guide for fitting interlock rollers of 1st abd 2nd striking rid (for use with A.3.0309)
A.3.0305 | | Driver of bearing inner races onto differential housing hubs
A.3.0306 | | Plate for withdrawal of inner race of front pinion bearing
A.3.0307 | | Driver front pinion bearing inner race
A.3.0308 | | Driver fof direct drive shaft bush
A.3.0309 | | Driver of interlock rollers (for use with A.3.0303 and A.3.0304)
A.3.0311 | 1.821.053.000 | Puller for valve guides
A.3.0312 | 1.821.054.000 | Driver of intake valve guides
A.3.0314 | 1.821.055.000 | Driver of timing gear cover seal
A.3.0321 | 1.821.056.000 | Support for removing and fitting valves
A.3.0322 | | Puller / driver of striking rod retainers
A.3.0323 | | Driver of direct drive shaft seal ring
A.3.0324 | 1.821.058.000 | Lever for removing and refitting the valves
A.3.0328 | | Driver of rear hub outer conical bearing outer race
A.3.0329 | | Driver of rear hub inner conical bearing outer race
A.3.0330 | | Driver of seal and bearing of front hubs (to be used with A.3.0415)
A.3.0337 | 1.821.063.000 | Driver of crankshaft rear seal
A.3.0338 | 1.821.064.000 | Driver of crankshaft front seal
A.3.0349 | | Hub outer bearing outer race extractor
A.3.0355 | | Hub inner bearing outer race extractor
A.3.0402 | 1.821.087.000 | Caliper type puller, 14/20mm range for the crankshaft bush
A.3.0415 | | Base of withdrawal fitment (to be used with driver A.3.0330)
A.3.0429 | | Puller of gear selector rod seal ring
A.3.0430 | | Driver if output shaft seal
A.3.0450 | 1.821.104.000 | Driver of crankshaft rear bush
A.3.0451/12 | | Steering wheel puller
A.3.0452 | | Puller of drive spindle seal (with unit assembled)
A.3.0453 | | Driver of drive spindle seal
A.3.0459 | | Driver of front hub seal
A.3.0469 | 1.821.110.000 | Driver of intake valve guide seals
A.3.0490 | | Puller of 4th speed gear from mainshaft (to be used with A.3.0296 and A.3.0492)
A.3.0491 | | Puller / driver of rear mainshaft bearing (for use with A.3.0296)
A.3.0492 | | Auxiliary shaft for removing 4th speed gear from mainshaft (to be used with A.3.0296 and A.3.0490)
A.3.0495 | | Puller of 5th speed drive gear
A.3.0500 | | Tool for removing rear mainshaft bearing (for use with A.3.0296 and A.3.0491)
A.3.0605 | | Base for withdrawak and fitment of drive shaft from constant speed joint
A.3.0300 | | Driver of mainshaft and 5th speed driver gear
A.4.0136 | | Support of dual gauge for pinion setting (to be used with c.6.0161)
A.4.0141 | | Reference hauge for pre-loading pinion shaft bearings
A.4.0142 | | Dummy pinion for distance setting
A.4.0144 | | Clutch disc aligning bar
A.4.0146 | | Tool for suspension height check
A.4.0148 | | Tool for calibrating brake preasure regulator
A.4.0149 | | Tool for suspension height check
A.4.0150 | | Probe for suspension height check (to be used with A.4.0146 and A.4.0149)
A.4.0153 | | Magnetic adapter for suspension height check (to be used with A.4.0146 and A.4.0149)
A.4.0206 | | Magnetic adapter for suspension height check (to be used with A.4.0146 and A.4.0149)
A.5.0193 | | Wrench for adjusting valve clearances, 5mm size
A.5.0195 | 1.822.008.000 | Toothed wrench for locking the camshaft pulley
A.5.0196 | | Wrench, 38mm for pinion shaft nut
A.5.0198 | 1.822.010.000 | Wrench for cylinder head screws, 17mm size
A.5.0204 | | Spanner for adjustment of steering rack plunger and clearance
A.5.0239 | | Wrench for bearing front hub nuts
A.9.0051 | | Service tools for windscreen and rear window disassembly
A3.0.0156 | | Puller of pin from stub axle
C.2.0037/0100 | | Weight, 100gr for checking bearing preload (for use with A.2.0274 and C.5.0124)
C.2.0037/0150 | | Weight, 150gr for checking bearing preload (for use with A.2.0274 and C.5.0124)
C.2.0037/0200 | | Weight, 200gr for checking bearing preload (for use with A.2.0274 and C.5.0124)
C.2.0037/0300 | | Weight, 300gr for checking bearing preload (for use with A.2.0274 and C.5.0124)
C.2.0037/0500 | | Weight, 500gr for checking bearing preload (for use with A.2.0274 and C.5.0124)
C.2.0037/1000 | | Weight, 1000gr for checking bearing preload (for use with A.2.0274 and C.5.0124)
C.2.0037/2000 | | Weight, 2000gr for checking bearing preload (for use with A.2.0274 and C.5.0124)
C.4.0101 | | Carburetor pump test
C.4.0103 | | Twin carburetor support
C.4.0105 | | Beaker for carburetor pump test (to be used with C.4.0101)
C.4.0120 | | Carburetor pump test (for twin Weber carburetors)
C.4.0122 | | Carburetor pump test (for twin Dellorto carburetors)
C.5.0124 | | Sheave for checking differential bearing pre-load (to be used with A.2.0274 and C.2.0037/…..)
C.6.0161 | | Reference gauge for pinion setting (to be used with A.4.0136)
C.6.0162 | | Tool for checking pinion setting (to be used with A.4.0136)
C.6.0168 | | Feeler gauge for checking valve clearance
U.6.0007 | 1.828.003.000 | Reamer, 8.013mm dia, intake valve guides
| 1.820.206.000 | Camshaft locking tool (for the 16V engine)
| 1.820.207.000 | Valve removal plate (for the 16V engine)
| 1.820.208.000 | Engine-transmission unit removal tool (for the 16V engine)
| 1.820.209.000 | Anti torque flange for the electromagnetic coupling (for the 16V engine)
| 1.821.204.000 | Camshaft seal insertion tool (for the 16V engine)
| 1.821.205.000 | Valve assembly tool (for the 16V engine)
| 1.821.207.000 | Intake valve guide insertion tool (for the 16V engine)
| 1.821.208.000 | Valve guide oil seal extractor (for the 16V engine)
| 1.822.101.000 | Cylinder head bolt key (for the 16V engine)
| 1.822.102.000 | Spark plug wrench (for the 16V engine)
| 1.822.103.000 | Ratchet wrench for spark plugs (for the 16V engine)